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Class Descriptions

It is important to take into consideration the level and intensity of each class and choose the ones that align with your needs and abilities.



Level: 1-3  Intensity: 2-3


Vinyasa yoga focuses on connecting our breath with dynamic movement. There is a constant flow. This practice move from one pose to the next. Each pose is held typically 1- 5 breaths.  

Suitable for experienced yogi’s and/or people in good shape. 


Hatha Flow  


Level: 1- 2  Intensity: 1- 2


Hatha Flow yoga is composed of creative flowing sequences with continuous movement based on traditional Hatha yoga posture sequence. Poses typically held for 3-5 breaths.




Level: 1  Intensity: 1 (All Levels)


Hatha is a traditional yoga class. The sequences in this class are less concerned with flowing from one pose to the next, it focuses more on connection with the breath. Poses typically held from 1 or 5 breathes. This class moves at a slower pace.


Suitable for beginners and those who like to take more time in each posture. 


Gentle Yoga


Level: 1  Intensity: 1


A gentler style of Hatha yoga. Practiced at a slower pace, with less intense postures. More warm up, meditation and breathwork, postures often held for 1 to 3 minutes.
A practice that includes  more seated and gentle postures with more time dedicated to relaxation.
The aim is to slow things down to promote mobility, calmness and stillness.


Excellent option for seniors with relative mobility and beginners.


Chair Yoga


Level: 1  Intensity: 1


Chair yoga is usually marketed towards seniors and people with limited mobility, but it is open to anyone who wants to experience and try chair yoga. 


Excellent option for seniors, and those with reduced mobility or anyone who wants to give it a try (It adds a certain structure even an advanced practitioner can benefit from). 


Yin yoga


Level: 1  Intensity: 1


A Yin yoga class usually consists of a series of long-held, passive floor poses that work mostly the lower part of the body – the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues. The poses are held for up to five minutes, sometimes longer.


*Karma Yoga


A regular Hatha or Hatha Flow class, usually taught by a beginner. This course is by donation only, pay on site in cash, donations are collected for a local charity.

Suggested donation $10 or any offering of the heart. To reserve go to the pricing page, and 'buy' a Karma yoga class at $0.

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